

On June 4, 2021, the California Public Utilities Commission issued Decision D.21-06-002, 哪一个, 除此之外, adopted a two-year pilot program that permits certain small non-export Generating Facilities*  to interconnect and operate in parallel with 西班牙&E’s Distribution System under a 只通知流程 for certain small non-export projects (只通知流程) in lieu of the standard interconnection application process.

在仅通知流程下, pre-approved contractors are permitted to submit a Notification-Only Package using 西班牙&E的在线门户, dii, no later than 15 days after obtaining electrical release from the local authority having jurisdiction to 西班牙&E and receive permission to operate (PTO) upon submission of the Notification-Only Package.  


Applying for Pre-Approved Contractor Status:

In order to become a pre-approved contractor eligible for participation in the 只通知流程, interested contractors are required to submit an eligibility request to 西班牙&这包括:

  1. The contractor’s name and contact information
  2. A list of no less than 20 non-export projects, including the 西班牙&E application ID numbers, for 哪一个 PTO was issued by 西班牙&E and how each project meets each of the eligibility criteria for the 只通知流程 set forth below.  Please be sure to address all of the eligibility criteria.  Note: Pre-approved contractors are permitted to include on the list of previous projects that achieved non-export through means other than an Underwriter Laboratories-certified power control system equipped with an open loop response time of two seconds or less that is set to a non-export mode (e.g.(非出口继电器).     

Interested contractors may begin submitting eligibility request on July 19, 2021.  Pre-approved contractors may begin submitting Notification-Only Packages immediately upon receiving pre-approval status from 西班牙&E.

Please submit completed eligibility requests to (电子邮件保护)    
西班牙&E will provide a response within 10 business days after receiving a complete eligibility request. 


The 只通知流程 cannot be used more than once at the same Point of Interconnection.  

线侧抽头是 permitted under the 只通知流程.

All of the following requirements must be met in order for a Generating Facility to be eligible for the 只通知流程:

  1. The total capacity of the Generating Facility must be less than or equal to 30 kilovolt-amps and may consist of one of the following options: 
    • A new non-export energy storage system, 
    •  A new non-export Generating Facility consisting of an energy storage system and a solar system, or 
    • A new energy storage system being added to an existing Generating Facility where the total Generating Facility capacity is non-export. 
  2. Each pre-approved contractor shall be limited to 10 non-export projects per circuit ; 
  3. Eligible Generating Facilities must use an Underwriter Laboratories-certified power control system equipped with an open loop response time of two seconds or less that is set to a non-export mode.  
  4. Eligible Generating Facilities shall be limited to 120-volt or 240-volt service equipped with a self-contained 西班牙&E计费仪表;
  5. Eligible Generating Facilities shall be operated in a manner that does not increase the customer’s peak load; 
  6.  Eligible Generating Facilities shall use only pre-approved inverters; 
  7. Eligible Generating Facilities shall be installed such that when connected to a single-phase transformer with 120/240 volts secondary voltage, the aggregated gross output is as balanced as practicable between the two 120-volt legs of the 240-volt service.